Family and private education
organization of private higher education
private college education
Citizenship education;Education for citizenship;Civic education;Education of civics
Civic education;Citizenship education;Education for citizenship;Education of civics
computer basic education education
Education for citizenship;Citizenship education;Civic education;Education of civics
Education of civics; Citizenship education;Education for citizenship;Civic education
Education for defective;Education for disabled;Education for feebleminded children
Education for disabled;Education for defective;Education for feebleminded children
Education for feebleminded children;Education for disabled;Education for defective
Home economics education; Domestic education; Household education
Household education; Home economics education; Domestic education
Aesthetic culture;Aesthetic education;Esthetic education
Aesthetic education;Aesthetic culture;Esthetic education
art education artistic education
arts and crafts education; industrial arts education
arustitke music education moral education to children and early youth moral character and behavior moral development